Wishlist Wednesday

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 |
When Jill, a competitive high school fencer, goes with her family on vacation to the Bahamas, she is magically transported to an early eighteenth century pirate ship in the middle of the ocean.

So even though the synopsis for this one isn't exactly detailed, I'm definitely intrigued! In general I enjoy pirate stories (who doesn't love Pirates of the Caribbean, even as a guilty pleasure?), but I don't think I've actually ever reviewed one on Sparrow Review, despite several bloggers pleading with me to read Bloody Jack. Who knows though, maybe Steel will put me in a pirate-y mood?

<3 Cate


Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I've seen this around today, and I'm dying to read it, too! Great pick :)

Nina said...

I want to read this one. It looks really good.

Sandy said...

I like pirates :D

And that sounds really good! Nice pick :)

Vampire Romance Novels said...

Definitely sounds like an interesting story! Its a cool idea, I always love books that include time travel. And secretly have wondered what it would be like to be a pirate. :) Thanks for the review!

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