A Wonderful Weekend

Monday, June 29, 2009 |

After spending two glorious days at Virginia beach and boogie boarding to my heart's content, we headed to the local bookstore. After 'oohing,' 'ahhing,' and practically drooling over the YA section, I came upon The Anatomy of Wings by Karen Foxlee. Just after reading the summary, I was set on reading it, but once I saw that Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief (ahhhmazing!)had loved it, I could hardly resist! Unfortunately, I didn't bring any money with me, but I'm going to order it from the library as soon as I get home. I actually haven't seen any reviews for this book yet, so I don't have much of an idea of how well it was received by other teens. Perhaps I'll be one of the first? (Now I'm sure I've jinxed myself- hundreds of reviews will pop up all over the web!)

At the moment, I'm rereading East, by Edith Pattou. It's been a few years since I picked it up off my shelf, and I had almost forgotten how magical it was! I'm also looking forward to Ice, by Sarah Beth Durst. I haven't read any of her previous books, but I'm interested in reading another retelling of 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon.'

Anyone else looking forward to any new fairy tale retellings?


Eli said...

I'm going to Virginia Beach later this summer! Hope you had a great time! And I have heard of this book-- and I almost picked it up too. Looking forward to a review on it! x)

a flight of minds said...

I've read The Anatomy of Wings and thought the same thing you did. Intruiging description + praised by Marcus Zusak = must buy. XD I haven't officially reviewed it, but I wrote about it on my lj. It doesn't really count though, so if you read it, you could maybe be the first. :)

Oh, and welcome to the blogging sphere. Want to trade blog links? :)

- Alex

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