Under the Lamplight: Sasha from The Sweet Bonjour

Friday, March 5, 2010 |
Under the Lamplight is a bi-weekly meme that I have created to get to know the blogging community! If you're interested in being interviewed, please email me.

Sasha from The Sweet Bonjour has been so kind as to be this week's guest.

Blog Link: http://the-sweet-bonjour.blogspot.com/

C: Could you give a little blurb on your blog?
S: My blog is specifically a YA blog. It features the usual like reviews, interviews, guest posts and cool memes like Waiting on Wednesday and In My Mailbox. I'm trying to figure out some features of my own to run as well to make it more individual.

C: What got you hooked on reading- did you love it as a child, or was it something you grew into?
S: I suppose I've always been a big reader. The books that really turned me onto reading where the Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. But before that I was turning the pages on Rosy and Jim's Big Day Out and those cool books that make animal noises (I still own them *ahem*) and knew that reading was something I'd always love to do.

C: How were you introduced into the blogging world?
S: Well, I read a feature in a magazine about a year ago that had a list of tips for aspiring writers. It suggested starting a blog to get practising so I did but it was just a random blog that wasn't entirely book related. I then began reviewing on teen book site Chicklish and decided I wanted to have my own book blog to make new friends and basically just write about the stuff I love. So, I took all my knowledge of book reviewing from Chicklish and The Sweet Bonjour book blog was born!

C: What’s been the most fun or exciting thing you’ve been able to do on your blog lately?
S:Well nothing OMG-incredible-throw-my-hands-up-in-the-air-and-scream-like-I-just-don't-care has happened yet but I just love communicating with other bloggers and just sharing my love of reading with anyone that cares enough to read really. That in itself is really exciting and fun!

C: What’s your opinion of books made into movies? Love ‘em or Hate ‘em?
S: It entirely depends on whether I've read the book before. If I have I would probably hate it because most books that have been made into movies have been pretty awful or at least nowhere near as good as the book. If I haven't read the book, I would probably enjoy the film because I'd have nothing to compare it to. I'm still pondering on whether I should read The Lovely Bones because I really want to see the film but I think I'd hate the film if I read it.

C: You can only afford to purchase one book at the bookstore today. What do you choose?
S: Probably Beautiful Creatures because I absolutely loved the book but I read an ARC so it's gotten pretty skanky and ripped by now so I think I'd treat myself to a beautiful finished copy and just never open it!

C: What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure T.V. show? Or book?
S: My favourite guilty pleasure show is Glee. You can't help but love it! It immediately cheers you up if you're upset about something!

C: What is one thing that most people don’t know about you? S: I don't have any unbelievable secret. Maybe the fact that I'm writing a book at the moment. I'm quite far into it but I'm still unsure as to what it's about. I just sat down one day and started to write.

C:If your life were being made into a movie, what would it be called, and who would you cast?
S: That's so hard! It would probably be called The Life of a Transparent Anomaly. That pretty much sums me up lol! I'm not really the loudest person at school and people think I'm pretty weird because I tell really bad jokes but I laugh hysterically every time I tell one. I really like Ellen Page who was in Juno so I think I'd want her to be in it.

S: Thanks for having me! :)

Thanks so much, Sasha! Please go check out Sasha's blog. I'm sure she'd love to have you! :D


The Sweet Bonjour said...

Ooh, thanks for posting the review Cate! *virtual hug*

Shweta said...

I love reading Sasha's blog. Nice interview Cate:)

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

great interview! Sasha's blog is alot of fun to read :)

Jan von Harz said...

Really enjoyed your spotlight of Sasha. I will hurry over and check her out. Have a great weekend.

Sandy said...

Nice interview! I'm going to check her out now :)

Lauren said...

Great interview. I especially like the movie title. Sasha's blog is *awesome*.

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